May 2022: Update on Digital Munya 2.0

This year I’ve been busy in the Digital Lab, going back to my old experiment with using the Unity video game engine to visualize a medieval Islamic villa.

Why am I going back to research I started way back in 2010 or so??

Because video games are one of the most popular ways that people engage with the past today. That’s what makes them potentially a wonderful place to introduce people to times and places that may be unfamiliar, like 10th c. Cordoba.

I’m curious about how immersive game technologies can be used not only as a research tool for visualising the past, but also as a way to make historical research accessible to non-academic audiences.

I spoke about the new project in March at the Medieval Academy of America, and wrote about it on the Creative Informatics Research Blog, which you can read here.

Let me know what you think!